The Museum of Ridiculously Interesting Things

Jane Howarth’s beautiful bird guts

Jane Howarth, 'Bonne Bouche' series. Taxidermied seagull with pearl innards.

Jane Howarth, ‘Bonne Bouche’ series. Taxidermied seagull with pearl innards. (Image: via Obsesszine.)

I recently came across this arresting image of a taxidermied seagull with luxurious pearl entrails spilling out of its split carcass. It was re-pinned on a certain nameless photo sharing site with no credit or links to the artist (a real pet peeve of mine), but I found the strange mix of beautiful/disgusting so striking that I decided to search the internet for its maker. Finally, I tracked down the website of British artist Jane Howarth, and found out the work belongs to a series called ‘Bonne Bouche‘, created out of vintage 1930s taxidermied sea birds whose guts have been replaced with lovely pearls, jewels and leather gloves. On their own, the works in the series are arresting and imaginative, and seem to be the fantastic relics of a luxuriously imagined episode, where:

…glamorous ladies discard their fashions and adornments and head for the seduction of the shimmering surf and shingle. Upon their distraction scavenger gulls descend and feast on the picnic of kid leather gloves, pearl necklaces and other delightful items left abandoned on the sand. (Jane Howarth)

Jane Howarth, "Mary" from 'Bonne Bouche Domes' series.

Jane Howarth, “Mary” from ‘Bonne Bouche Domes’ series. (Image via artist website)

Like any good fairy tale, Howarth paints a picture of a whimsical scene where dark elements seductively creep in around the edge in the form of dead seagulls, revealing a morbid collision between human and nature, beauty and death.

As Howarth’s  artist statement for Outrails describes:

The works on display are a combination of wanting to create pieces inspired by various articles and a particularly memorable program about how pollution from chemical, radioactive, and nutrient sources, oil spills and marine debris are killing thousands of sea birds. […] The stomachs of the birds on display are full with what one might see as beautiful objects such as pearls and leather gloves, these are also things that humans have taken from nature to enrich their lives but discard at a whim when (perhaps) fashion dictates. Thus trying to make comment on the effect our lifestyle of lustful consumerism has on the world that sustains us. (Jane Howarth, from her Outrails exhibition statement, found here.)

Jane Howarth, 'Bonne Bouche' series. Taxidermied seagulls with pearls, leather gloves and other jewelry

Jane Howarth, ‘Bonne Bouche’ series. Taxidermied seagulls with pearls, leather gloves and other jewelry. (Image via artist website. Click picture to go to source.)

// Images via Obsesszine and from Jane Howarth’s website.


  1. Pingback: Jane Howarth’s Beautiful Bird Guts | prettyawfulthings

  2. Beautifully written and will share with other artists who struggle with this. I saw more in the images than what the artist claims is their meaning or purpose. It dulled that vision to read it. What if those pearls were a metaphor for what had kept the animal alive when it was still breathing, eating, functioning in health with its innards in the service of that state. And other thoughts. For the message of pollution Chris Jordan is the ultimate artist/spokesman: gorgeous purely factual painfully true images. It is a good reminder when ‘forced’ to write an art statement to think twice, maybe thrice. Thanks for a good rant.

  3. Red Kate

    Excellent rant!
    I’m struggling with artist’s statements in a similar way at the moment – I’m finding I need to write one of my own. Due to a combination of not knowing what exactly to say about my work, not wanting to make anything up, and my dislike of most of the statements I read, I’d like very much to just write “Yes.” and be done with it. /my own rant over

    These birds are really amazing. I can’t decide precisely if I love them or not because part of me is totally grossed out and the other part finds them beautiful and intriging. Gives one a lot to think about.

  4. Daria Sellon McQuade

    I have felt turned off by many an artist statement, and I think you really nailed it. Your opinions are so well thought out, I enjoyed this article immensely. Thank you!

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