The Museum of Ridiculously Interesting Things

Marie Antoinette lost her shoe and then her head

This is no Cinderella story. This is the shoe that Marie Antoinette lost when she tripped going up the steps to the guillotine on the morning of her execution, 16 October 1793. She lost her shoe, then she lost her her head.

However, this gruesome memento is more than just a relic of her execution. It is also a poignant symbol of how the lavish lifestyle and extravagant fashion of Marie Antoinette and her husband Louis XVI contributed to their demise during the French Revolution.

No word on who collected this remarkable shoe from the execution site, but it is now in the the collection of the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen, France. ⁣

“Marie Antoinette being taken to her Execution, October 16, 1793” (1794) by William Hamilton. Oil on canvas, 152 x 197 cm. Musée de la Révolution Francaise.

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